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Strength With Heart® Men's Groups

Men often refer to group as “a lab,” a place to experiment with being more honest, direct, and caring with other men in a safe,real, and dynamic environment. It’s a powerful place to build self-confidence, trust in men, and broaden perspectives on what real masculinity means and how it is experienced.

Laugh Harder, Grow Stronger

Strong, Whole-Hearted Men:

  • Are committed to making their inside and outside match

  • Recognize that many cultural teachings on how to be a "real" man are simply wrong and outdated

  • Want to create egalitarian, caring relationships with women

  • Are focused on accepting themselves, beauty, warts, and all

  • Want to have fun

  • Recognize that self-criticism is not a path towards personal growth and success

Why join a Strength with Heart® men's group?

Reasons & motivations why men join Strength with Heart Men's Groups

  • To relate with men more authentically

  • To become more aware of themselves and their impact

  • To develop more ease and confidence in relating with men—both personally and professionally

  • To stop pretending that they have it all together

  • To challenge themselves to be more courageous

  • To connect with men more emotionally

  • To become more direct, decisive, and purposeful

  • To laugh and have fun with other men

Hear from past and present Strength with Heart® group members:

“At first I thought, ‘How can I afford to spend two hours every week in a men’s group when I have so little precious time to begin with?’ Now I routinely ask myself how I can afford not to. Joining Daniel’s men’s group is one of the single greatest investments I have made in myself and has paid dividends beyond what I could have imagined. I feel stronger, calmer, more assured, aware, present, loved, and never alone. I can’t think of a better use of my time.”

- Tim Wall, Product Designer

“If you want to know how you are showing up – what your impact is on other people – if you want truly honest feedback from other men provided in a safe and supportive environment – then talk to Daniel Ellenberg about one of his Strength with Heart Men’s Groups. Daniel facilitates men’s groups with expert insight, caring, and the ability to challenge men to be stronger, more open, and direct.”

- Karl Sniady, Business Consultant & Executive Coach


“For the past 30 years Daniel Ellenberg has been helping men reach their mature masculine potential, the authentic places where strength and open-heartedness reach their full magnificence. What I gained in my years in his group helped me create true and loving friendships with other men. What I gained help me to come out of boyhood into maturity.”

- Lang Davison, Former Editor of McKinsey Quarterly & co-author of The Power of Pull

Global Availability

RTW coaches are available globally thanks to technology and computers. Coaching sessions can be conducted:

  • In person

  • Over the phone

  • Through Skype (or another online meeting platform)


Extended intensives for individuals, couples, and groups are also available. Please contact us for more information.

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