That Work®
(415) 883-5600​
Relationships That Work®'s Daniel Ellenberg and Judith Bell have received some amazing testimonials from both current and former clients, colleagues, readers, and workshop participants. Read on to see what they've had to say about RTW and its employees....
"When I first began seeing Daniel I felt like a shell of the happy, positive person that I had been previously. Fraught with racing thoughts, anxiety and an innate focus on what was wrong with my life as opposed to what was right, I was a mess. Through my sessions with Daniel I felt like a completely new person, he not only enabled me to reach the level of happiness where I had previously been, but I actually surpassed that level of contentment and have achieved a state of positivity, joy and confidence in myself that I did not previously think was possible.
"The biggest contribution and gift that Daniel bestowed upon me was that he helped me work through my issues while giving me the tools to solve and work through issues on my own. This is probably the most valuable thing that he could have and did help me develop, I had been to therapy before but my previous therapists had helped me work through issues but did not teach me how to deal with issues without them, thus making me more or less dependent on them. Daniel truly puts his patients first and I could tell that he took pride in my growth almost as much as I did. He is someone that really cared about my well-being and I would highly recommend him to anyone and everyone."
- Austen Auger
"At first I thought, 'How can I afford to spend two hours every week in a men's group when I have so little precious time to begin with?' Now I routinely ask myself how I can afford not to. Joining Daniel's men's group is one of the single greatest investments I have made in myself and has paid dividends beyond what I could have imagined. I feel stronger, more assured, aware, present, loved, and never alone. I can't think of a better use of my time."
- Tim Wall, Graphic Designer
"If you want to know how you are showing up - what your impact is on other people - if you want truly honest feedback from other men provided in a safe and supportive environment - then talk to Daniel Ellenberg about one of his Strength With Heart® Men's Groups. Daniel facilitates men's groups with expert insight, caring, and the ability to challenge men to be stronger, more open, and direct."
- Karl Sniady, President of Coaches Training Institute